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Displaying Records 1 through 20 of 20 records found
from Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela

Woman's Head Cloth2004.15.0011 (2004.15.0011)
55.3 x 49.8 cm (120 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: Contemporary; 1983 - 1995
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Perraje, Baby Carrying Shawl2004.15.0035 (2004.15.0035)
198 x 72.4 cm (619 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: Contemporary; 1983 - 1995
Classification/Nomenclature: Distribution & Transportation Artifacts : Land Transportation T&E : Human-Powered Vehicles

Child’s Costume: Pantaloons2011.05.0317 (2011.05.0317)
63.6 x 39.1 x .1 cm (84 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Underwear

Child’s Costume: Cape2011.05.0318 (2011.05.0318)
89.1 x 76 x .317 cm (210 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Cofradia Rebozo 2011.05.0319 (2011.05.0319)
148 x 45 x .1 cm (143 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1950 - 1959
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Woman’s Rebozo, Shawl2011.05.0320 (2011.05.0320)
161 x 62 x 1 cm (200 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1940 - 1959
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Woman’s Ceremonial Tzute2011.05.0321 (2011.05.0321)
68 x 61 x .1 cm (183 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1940 - 1949
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Woman’s Servilleta, Ceremonial 2011.05.0323 (2011.05.0323)
84 x 61 x .1 cm (279 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1950 - 1959
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Woman’s Servilleta, Multi-Purpose Utility Cloth2011.05.0325 (2011.05.0325)
84.1 x 77.1 x 9 cm (340 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1950 - 1959
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Woman’s Servilleta, Multi-Purpose Utility Cloth2011.05.0324 (2011.05.0324)
107 x 67 x .6 cm (330 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1950 - 1959
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Woman’s Wedding Shawl, Ceremonial 2011.05.0326 (2011.05.0326)
185 x 83.5 x .1 cm (642 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1930 - 1949
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Child’s Costume: Pants2011.05.0336 (2011.05.0336)
56.1 x 36.8 x 20.2 cm (203 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Child’s Costume: Mantle, Headcloth2011.05.0337 (2011.05.0337)
72.6 x 66.8 cm (23.0 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Woman’s Cargador2011.05.0338 (2011.05.0338)
173 x 112 cm (695.0 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Personal Gear : Personal Carrying & Storage Gear

Woman’s Tzute, Multi-Purpose Utility Cloth2011.05.0339 (2011.05.0339)
134 x 94 x .2 cm (359 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Personal Gear : Personal Assistive Artifacts

Cofradia Huipil, Blouse2011.05.0341 (2011.05.0341)
116.9 x 96.4 x .1 cm (367.0 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1950 - 1959
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Huipil, Blouse2011.05.0342 (2011.05.0342)
79 x 73 x .3 cm (636 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1970 - 1979
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Wedding Huipil, Blouse for Maid of Honor, Ceremonial 2011.05.0345 (2011.05.0345)
80 x 69 x 66.7 cm (227 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1940 - 1949
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Huipil, Blouse2011.05.0346 (2011.05.0346)
77 x 65 x 1.2 cm (664 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Ceremonial Huipil, Blouse2011.05.0351 (2011.05.0351)
97.7 x 93 x .2 cm (1132 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Quetzaltenango, also commonly called Xelaju or Xela; Quetzaltenango Department
Period: 1960 - 1969
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

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